Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Something I Hate

The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold. ~Aristotle

I hate liars! This picture is applicable because it is my poor car after it was hit by a couple of girls in a rental car who, six months later, still can't tell the same story twice. I don't know how long it will be until I get my car paid for, but I swear I will get it paid for. I was not at fault in any way. The damage shows that. The fact that they have lied a thousand times shows they have something to hide. Why can't the just be good people and own up to what they did wrong? I feel like this is something that is applicable to SO many situations but SO few people follow through with it. Lying is just frustrating, wrong, and hurtful. In the end, when people find out the truth, it is going to be much worse for the liars because first there was something to lie about and second, obviously, they lied. I can't even express how frustrated I get when people lie. Just tell the frickin truth and everything will be better in the long run. For real. Just don't do it. It just pisses people off.

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