Monday, July 25, 2011

Why I NEED a GPS for my birthday.

I get lost everywhere I go. If I have not driven there before by myself, I will, inevitably, get lost. For example, last week, I went over to my family members' house. On the way home, I took the interstate going the wrong direction. I thought, for some reason, that South was the way I was supposed to go but, I realized as the "Int'l Boarder" signs increased in frequency and lessened in milage posts, I was going the wrong direction. Tonight, coming home from the same family members' house, I knew not to take that highway, but I had forgotten to check the best way to get home. So, I headed in the direction I knew the freeway was and just thought I would go a bit further to find the Northbound freeway. I, instead, approached a "Do Not Enter" sign posted on the road that would take me any further. My options were to take a left turn into the scary residential area that I had no clue about or take the same Southbound freeway I took last time. I took the Southbound freeway deciding I would just turn around at the next exit. The next exit was another freeway, going in the wrong direction (at least I recognized it this time, though and did not take it). The following exit approached and I was going to take it when I saw another freeway, going in the right direction! I took that and ended up on my way home. This would not be such a big deal had I not spent an hour yesterday trying to find a street to get me out of a very traffic filled town, an extra 20 min a week ago taking what was apparently (my boyfriend informed me) "the loooooong way home," or a panic filled 15 min last Christmas season in a scary part of town trying to take my little cousins for ice cream and a merry-go-round ride. At least I still have Iowa license plates and people just see me as the annoying tourist and not the incompetent local.

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