Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Couch

Living in a small apartment has made me obsessed with storage options, shelving, and pinterest.  I have three bookshelves full of books, two of which are stacked double deep.  I have a cast iron shelving unit designated for kitchen supplies and another massive shelving unit up on the wall that my boyfriend built for more storage.  I have a lot of stuff but I have recently realized that when I am on vacation where none of my stuff is around, I feel so much more at ease in those spaces.  As a result, I am trying to clear out some of the unnecessary furniture that I either inherited or acquired due to its freeness.  I've removed the coffee table that was about three feet too big for the apartment and the next thing to go is the futon.  I am so ready to get rid of this futon that I am wondering if I even need something to replace it.  I am torn between a leather loveseat that has a pull out bed, a Lovesac, but I am not above getting some big floor cushions and just hanging my hammock on the wall for people to lay in if they want to stay over at my house.

I love the breathing room I feel like I have when there is not all the emotions attached to "stuff" in my house but it's also hard to get rid of things that have sentimental value.

Has anyone else ever struggled with this?  What are your solutions?

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