Friday, December 5, 2008

....Random Rants....

So, I have never been a huge fan of following reality shows, (except Big Brother which is the best show in the world and one day I will be on this show!!!) especially those involving celebs, but recently I have found myself somewhat entertained by Paris Hilton's My New BFF. I have never watched it at the actual original air times, so I am not obsessed, but when it is on I would rather watch that than even Jon and Kate Plus 8, which is pushing it. So last night I discovered that I could watch episodes online and I went through and watched the episodes I hadn't seen. The final episode aired on the third of December and said it would be posted on line on the fifth of December. Well, it is midnight on the fifth of December and it is not up yet. Considering I found myself shocked and glad I was alone so no one could see me getting teary eyed at the episode prior to the last one, I think I deserve a timely appearance of the show.

I also watched Brittany: For the Record tonight which I thought was alright but could have been better...what am I doing to myself? Watching all these celeb shows....

Speaking of jumping on bandwagons, I recently read all the Twilight books and while I can see how thirteen year old girls would love them and think they provide the ideal lifestyle, I am perplexed by how older people get the same tingly feelings inside from the mediocre writing styles of Stephanie Meyer. Some props to her though because the books were still one hundred times better than the movie which was down right awful.

Why did my profs try to be nice by not assigning hell week assignments but instead assigning week before hell week assignments? All of them did it and now my hell week is just papers due up the butt week.

For my anthro paper I wanted to contrast Catholicism and Jehovah's Witnesses, unfortunately the people who want to "spread the good news" (aka the JW's) don't ever answer phones or return phone calls. I don't think they witnessed anything because they are no where to be found. Unless of course, this is witness protection... :-)
I found another religion we will see how that works out...1500 words due Monday and still waiting on an interview.

AND I went to make hot chocolate this morning before heading to work and my cat was across the room. I poured a glass of milk to heat in the microwave, turned to put the milk carton back in the fridge, turned back around, and my cat was drinking my milk out of my cup.

What a day...

Also, for those of you that were wondering SUPPOSABLY is NOT a WORB!
You didn't Seen it, you saw it
And At has nothing to do with where your purse or your coat is (aka Where's my [insert object] at?)

There is something wrong with my computer!!

Kitty, please stop chewing on my homework and textbooks! YOU HAVE YOUR OWN FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The end

PS I put food out for the squirrels last night and it was still there all day until I went to a mentor session and there were little squirrel footprints all over and the food was gone so I will put out more and see my fuzzy friends!!! YAY

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