Thursday, March 4, 2010

My life's activities in a nutshell:

I currently have three papers, one project, and one presentation to work on. I am part way through with the project, I am going to finish one and a half papers this weekend (and they aren't due until next week--take THAT procrastination!!) and have a meeting to start the presentation tonight. So far school is on track-ish.

I am a little sick, just a sore throat and being super tired and a smidge achy. I took a nap today before a class and forgot to take my phone off silent. I woke up one minute before I was supposed to be in class. I hustled over there. The professor is usually late but, of course, today she was on time. At least I was there!

I went to the gym today and worked out for almost an hour and a half doing 45 min straight of abs. Then I went to a study break on campus and had Chinese food... at least I worked out...and tomorrow I will get stuff for a salad.

Did you know that in Mary Poppins, she was supposedly George Banks' (the Dad) nanny, too? Random interesting fact.

Speaking of random interesting facts (except for the fact that this one isn't that interesting), I really want to learn how to write like they did a hundred years ago. That very formal flowy script. If I ever get a chance to, I am going to study and copy until I get it right.

Less than three weeks until I see my fabulous boyfriend. This is probably the best news out of all of this.

That's all for now as I have my project meeting!

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