Friday, April 30, 2010

My Favorite Webstes

So, when you run out of things to do on Facebook, what do you do? Here's a good list.

Sporcle is a great website to kill time. Testing your memory and knowledge, it's a ligit time waster (when I have time to waste, of course).

Stumble lets you choose what you like to read about then takes you to pages related to that. It's completely random but usually you find some extremely interesting things that you never would have found on your own.

Pandora is a free website that lets you put in a song or artist you like and comes up with a radio station just for you that only plays the kinds of music related to whatever you typed in. It usually does a pretty great job and you can find a lot of music you might not have discovered otherwise.

Netflix instant play. Need I say more? If you subscribe to Netflix, they have some really great movies to watch instantly.

Ebay isn't just great for finding cheap stuff but sometimes it's fun to find out how much you could sell that old doll for or your signed Babe Ruth Baseball, even if you will never let it leave your sight.

Shutterfly is awesome for saving all those photos you can't fit on your flash drive, sharing them with friends and family, and even gives you a few editing options. It's free and they never delete your photos no matter how long you have them on there or how often you visit.

Steep and Cheap offers deals one at a time on outdoorsy stuff like sleeping bags, coats, GPS devices, and sunglasses. The items are super cheap but once they are all gone, they are gone and they move on to another deal. While I have never actually purchased anything from this site, I find it's a good place to get ideas for gifts and if I am looking for something in particular, I check it often to see if it's there.

Life--Because who can deny the beauty and horror that has been captured in Life Magazine over the years? may not be for everyone but it's a site to sell and buy horses. I like to keep up on my childhood dream that I'll eventually have a horse.

New York Times and CNN are my places to stay up on news without letting my fellow classmates know that I give a crap about what's going on in the world. I prefer to keep my news knowledge private and not engage in two hour debates with people here at my Liberal Crazy School.

Arizona Diamondbacks and MLB websites are now on my frequently checked websites, though I blame my boyfriend for this one!

Scrapbooking ideas can be hard to come by, good ones at least, but this website has a ton to browse and admire!

Money Origami is not just great to look at but great to fold! Definitely recommend trying it!

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